J. Riddell Matte (2021) It only took me all term…[photograph of a mess on my kitchen table]

It only took me all term to shake off January.  It only took me all term to stop being distracted by my own face on zoom.  It only took me all term to appease the digi-gods enough that they are finally allowing me to submit my assignments on Brightspace.

It only took me all term to blog about my Personal Learning Network (PLN).

On Wednesday,  I left the  EdTech Camp ‘Assessment’ breakout room full of hope and inspiration at all that the other participants in the breakout room have accomplished, what they are still working towards and as I head into my first practicum – what is possible in terms of assessment.  Then, I picked up my kids from school, made snacks, immediately joined a recommended facebook group and realized that I had been thinking that I needed to feel as though I was ‘connected’ to some greater network-machine, like a fancy pre-covid cocktail party full of small talk with my peers, teachers and other education professionals. But, before I made dinner and did more homework that evening,  I also realized that for me,  a PLN,  is about curating support in ways that are convenient right now.  I know that joining one facebook group is not enough, but I like that there are facebook groups, and although Twitter and longterm blogging are not for me, Instagram is.  Instagram is easy to engage with, practical and informative.  I like the image driven platform, the story options and I truly appreciate all of the educational professionals who are willing to share their pedagogy and practice.

I believe that my personal learning network will expand, as the reality of the pandemic shifts and as my professional practice evolves,  but for now, I’m working on it.