Riddell Matte, J.(2021) Untitled Lands. Paper [collage]

I made this collage, with images taken from vintage National Geographic magazines, as a reflection of Social Studies, with the intention of representing the complexity, diversity and beauty of the world.

After having read through several province’s definitions of Social Studies, I struggle with the  inclusion of “what they want to become” as a goal.  In my opinion, including this centres the definition within a capitalistic-colonial framework.   I understand that this sentiment is speaking directly to what children might want to become as productive, contributing, tax paying  adult members of society, but I would argue this notion of defining who we are in terms of ‘work’ needs to change. I do not believe that is what Social Studies should be. Children already ARE. They do not need to become anything else, they simply need to BE.

The following definition  was concieved, in a small breakout room, one sunny Monday morning in early July….


(a working definition, co-created by pre-service teachers):

Social Studies is the fostering of Student’s curiosities around the interconnectivity of past + present, within local communities, environments and the greater world. 

This definition positions Social Studies as a gateway to the whole world, a tool for locating our selves within this space and an area of learning that is full of possibility! An exploration of self, environment, community and the greater world, all rooted in curiosity and facilitated through inquiry based learning.